


Nomadic Gurjar  two groups have  been identified  - one the Bakarwals and the other group is that of the Van Gurjar. In contrast to the Bakarwals who herd the goat the Van Gurjars in India herd a small, tough and hybrid variety of the buffalo. Right now we only talk about one Gujjar   The Van Gurjars are vegetarian and depend entirely on the forest produce and the milk or milk products of the hybrid buffalo. The buffalo is an extremely prized animal for the Van Gujjars in India. They consider the buffalo an individual in its own right with appropriate name by which it is called as well as known.
The Van Gurjars in India spend the autumn (that is approximately October to April) in the Shivalik hills and the summer and the rainy season (May to September) in the higher pastures of the Himalayas. Migrations between these grazing zones take up to three months. They are completely dependent on the forests for their needs of fodder, fuel wood, thatching material and timber for their huts. The Van Gujjars are also known as `forest Gujjars`. They are mostly found in the Shivalik hills area of the northern region of India. They basically follow Islam. Van Gujjars have their own clans that are quite similar to the gotras in Hinduism. They are considered as a rural semi-nomadic community. The Van Gurjars in India have had numerous conflicts with the forest authorities, who banned livestock populations inside the Rajaji National Park (RNP). The forest authorities also blamed the Van Gurjars for poaching as well as timber smuggling. After the creation of this park, they were asked to shift their base to a resettlement colony near Haridwar. The Van Gurjars are like any other wild animal of the forests and know how to protect themselves against attacks from carnivorous animals. They have their own warning sounds and all of them gather together in a circle to fend off any attack. The Van Gurjars of the Rajaji National Park (RNP) live in homesteads called the `deras`. Each house is built from the forest material on a clearing in the forests. The van Gurjars live and move in joint family groups set up temporary settlements where the grazing is good. Men graze the animals and sell the milk and the women do the other household chores. The men wear a turban, a lose tahmet (sarong) and generally have a flowing long beard. Some wear embroidered waistcoats. The women wear a long kurta (shirt), churidar (tight pyjamas), and jackets. Van Gurjars speak Gurjari or Gojri, a dialect of Hindi language. Many speak Urdu language, Kashmiri language, Pahari or Dogri as well. They are a monogamy and patriarchal society. Milk and cornmeal are their staple food and they are strict vegetarians. The Van Gurjars in India relate the Judeo-Christian and traditional Islamic story of Esau as their justification for forest dwelling and vegetarianism.
                                                                                  With regard
Choudhary jitender Gurjar Budheda
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History of Gurjar samaj

The  history of Gurjar samaj are quite uncertain. The Gurjar  clan appeared in northern India around the time of the Huna invasions of northern India. Some scholars believed that the Gurjar  were foreign immigrants, possibly a branch of Hephthalites (`White Huns`). Some scholars believed that Gurjar came into India with the Hunas, and the name of the tribe was sanskritized to `Gurjara`. They also believed that several places in Central Asia, such as `Gurjistan`, are named after the Gurjar  and that the reminiscences of Gurjar migration are preserved in these names.  History of Gurjar community is quite vague. There are several references that talk about the origin and history of Gurjars. Like for instance, in Ramayana, a war was fought between the gods and the evil spirits. The Gurjar fought against the devils under King Dasharatha. In Mahabharata also, references suggested the references of Gurjars. They were found along with Lord Krishna who migrated from Mathura to Dwarka, Gujarat. In the past, Gurjar have also been hypothesized to be descended from the nomadic Khazar tribes, although the history of Khazar tribes shows an entirely different politico-culture ethos. Some Gurjars also claim that the Gurjar caste is related to the Chechens and the Georgians, and argue that Georgia was traditionally called `Gujaristan` (actually Gorjestan). Some of the also claim that Germans are Gurjar. However, there is no evidence for such claims. At the end of fifth century Hunas, a marauding tribe entered Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Hunas were cruel people much displaced from their ancient homelands on the borders of Europe and Asia. They were, like Aryans who preceded them, white folks. Along with this rude, crude and cruel tribesmen came lesser tribes, Gurjars being one of them. They established their fiefdoms, principalities in Punjab, Rajasthan, including but not limited to Jodhpur, Gujarat, Gujranwalla, a small town in Punjab, Gurjarkhan, also in Punjab. Well known scholar Cunningham thinks that Gurjar are descended from Scythian (Saka) and Yuechi (Kushan) tribes who invaded Pakistan in the first century BC and in the first century AD respectively. Other scholars believe that they are descended from a Central Asian Turkic people called Kazars. Since the tribe migrated from Caspian Sea which is called Bahr-e-Khizar it was named Khizar, Guzar, Gurjar, Gurjara or Gujjar. The name Hazara was given to the district by these Guzara tribes. The name Gujjar, according to another version, is derived from the words `Gau` and `Char` meaning cattle grazers. 
The fact is different from the place so much about the history of Gurjar to get more information
With regard
Choudhary jitender Gurjar Budheda
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Gurjar population in India

Gurjar population in India is near about 15 crores approximately. In India, Gurjar populations are found mainly in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, western Uttar Pradesh, northern Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Delhi, Gujarat and Maharashtra. The semi-nomadic Gurjar groups are found in the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and north-western Uttar Pradesh. The name for the state of Gujarat has derived from `Gurjar`. The Gurjars were classified as a Scheduled Tribe in Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir, and as Other Backward Class in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Western Uttar Pradesh is totally dominated by Gurjars. Before the year 1857, western Uttar Pradesh was called Mini Gujarat due to domination of Gurjars as this region was ruled by them. The total population of Gurjars in Haryana is roughly 10 lakh, which is forming slightly less than the overall 5 per cent of the total population. Gujjars in Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal are found both in Himalayan foothills and on the plains in the Rohilkhand area. Groups camp in the forests of Dehradun and Saharanpur district in winter from November to March. They migrate with herds of buffalo and cattle to the Himalayan summer pastures in Shimla district (Himachal Pradesh) or Tehri Garwhal & Uttarkashi, (Uttaranchal) for the months of April to October.  The main gotras of Gurjars found in the Faridabad district of Haryana include Bhadana, Naagar, Banisla and Poswal. In Jammu and Kashmir, the concentration of Gurjars is observed in the districts of Rajouri and Poonch, followed by, Anantnag, Udhampur and Doda districts. It is believed that Gurjars migrated to Jammu and Kashmir from Gujarat. There are many Gurjar villages in the state of Punjab and most of these Gurjars are Sikhs. The last names of the Punjabi Gurjars include Kasana, Khepar, Kataria, Chaudhary, Bjarh, Chauhan, Bhumbla, Chandpuri, Chechi, Meelu, Hans, and others. In Uttar Pradesh, the Gurjar populations are mainly found in the western UP region that is Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut, Moradabad, Bijnor, Ghaziabad, Noida, Bulandshahar and Bareilly. To a fewer extent, they are also found in Rampur, Agra and Bundelkhand.

Choudhary Jitender gujar 



आदि काल से ही भारत भूमि पर भयंकर आक्रमण बाहर से होते रहें है, जिनमे भारतीय संस्कृति को समाप्त करने का हर सम्भव प्रयत्नों में कोई कमी नही छोड़ी. चाहे यवनो, पार्थवो लुटेरे अरबी या तुर्की हमलावरों के आक्रमण या साम्राज्यवादी अंग्रेजो के, सभी ने भारतीय संस्कृति को समाप्त करने दौरान कितनी भारी संख्या में जनसंहार हुआ होगा इसकी सहज ही कल्पना की जा सकती है. नादिरशह तैमुरलंग के खुनी कत्लेआम से शायद ही कोई अनभिज्ञ हो.
इतने संघर्षो हमलो के बावजुद भारतीय संस्कृति आज भी दुनिया में गौरवमयी रुप मेंदेखी जाती है. विश्व गुरु के रुप में जाना जाने वाला यह देश आज भी अन्य देशो की तुलना में आदर्श देश है. जहाँ इस आर्थीक युग में भी मर्यादयें जीवित है. इस संस्कृति के जीवित रहने कारणो में यदि हम गहराई में जाऐ तो पता चलता है कि इसको जीवित रखने के लिए लाखो वीरों ने अपने प्राणों की आहुती दी है. उन्ही के फलस्वरूप ही हम इस संस्कृति की गौरवमयी शाया में आज भी समुचित स्तर पर है.

अपनी इस संस्कृति की रक्षा करने में जिन महानवीरों ने अपना बलिदान दिया उनमें से कुछ का बिखरा बिखरा विवरण इतिहास में कुछ निष्पक्ष इतिहासकारों ने किया है. फिर भी अधिकांश का उल्लेख एकत्रित रुप में नही मिलता है. वैसे तो इस रक्षा समर में कई जातियो के वीर काम आए परन्तु प्रमुख भुमिका, नेत्रत्व वीरता जिन वीरों की रही उनमें से अधिकांश गुर्जर जाति से थे. प्राचिन भारत का इतिहास देखें या वर्तमान भारत का, इस जाति के वीरों की संख्या मुख्य रही है.  
जिन्होने अपने प्राणों बाजी लगा कर देश, धर्म संस्कृति की रक्षा की. देश की अखण्ड़ता के लिए इस जाति के वीर सदैव प्रय्रत्नशील रहे है.

गुर्जर वीरों ने प्राचिन काल में अपनी भारतीय संस्कृति का प्रसार स्वदेश की सीमाओ से बाहर अति सूदूर देशो में जा कर किया, जहाँ से लौट कर भारत, अफगानिस्तान, ईरान, तिब्बत मध्येशिया के विशाल भूखण्ड़ों को विजय कर के महान कुशान साम्रज्य स्थापित कर सुख स्म्रद्धि का युग प्रारम्भ किया. तत्पश्चात अपने साम्राट जनेन्द्र यशोधर्मा के नेत्रत्व में गुर्जर देश का निर्माण किया. धर्मान्ध अरब आक्रांताओं को 250 निरन्तर वर्षो तक स्वदेश से खदेड़ते हुए भारतीय धर्म संस्कृति अभुतपुर्व सफलता के साथ रक्षा करते हुए महान गुर्जर प्रतिहार साम्रज्य की स्थापित किया. फिर बाद में अपने सोलंकी गुर्जर साम्राटो के नेत्रत्व में सदियो तक तुर्क आक्रांताओं को खदेड़ कर स्वदेश स्वधर्म की रक्षा करते हुए अपना सर्वस्य न्यौछावर कर दिया. परन्तु सत्ता विहिन होकर भी सदा विदेशी आक्रांताओं से टकराती रही और अन्त में ब्रिटिश साम्राज्यवाद में सन 1822 से 1857 तक निरन्तर टकरा कर अपना जन, धन, वैभव सब स्वाहा कर अति दीन अवस्था को प्राप्त हुई